Our annual charity quiz night took place on Friday 29 March to raise money for the British Section Scholarship Fund and two local charities: l’Arbre à Pain, a food bank in Saint-Germain-en-Laye which distributes food and necessities to those in need, and Imagine for Margo, a children’s cancer charity based in Fourqueux. Organised by a dedicated team of volunteer parents within the British Section Parent Teacher Group, Quiz Night was hosted by our partner school, Collège Les Hauts Grillets and attended by over 200 parents, friends and teachers for an evening of laughter, friendly competition and most importantly a chance to give something back to the local community. The team also organised a food drive to collect items for the food bank. Thanks to the generosity of Mme Lapouge, Principale of Collège Les Hauts Grillets, and of local businesses and parents who donated prizes for a raffle and silent auction and items for the food bank, Quiz Night raised a record amount of money this year and three large deliveries to the l’Arbre à Pain food bank. A huge thank you to all who took part and if you would like to donate to any of the charities above please click on the links.