
The Governing Board (conseil d'administration) works closely with the Director and Senior Leadership Team and oversees a number of aspects relating to the management of the British Section Parent Association (BSPA), notably Finance, Human Resources (HR) and strategic matters. There are two standing sub-committees (Finance and HR) and working groups are established to deal with other areas of strategic development as necessary e.g. communications. Officially known as the Conseil d'Administration de l'Association des Parents d'Elèves de la Section Britannique du Lycée International, the Governing Board is made up of an elected committee of British Section parents (parent governors). For the past couple of years, the Board and Director have also benefitted from the experience of a former Headteacher who joins the Board as an independent governor on a voluntary basis. The Governing Board meets once each term, parents can click here to consult the minutes of the meetings. The Director and a Staff representative are associate governors (administrateurs associés) and therefore also attend Governing Board meetings.
British Section Parents Association
The BSPA - an Association operating under the French law of July 1901 - is the not-for-profit legal entity that employs and remunerates British Section staff. In accordance with French law, all parents with children - full-time or externé - in British Section classes on any of the five British Section sites, are automatically a member of the BSPA.
The BSPA's activities include:
- raising funds from parents via annual cotisations fixed by the Governing Board in order to:
- pay British Section teachers, librarians and administrative staff, and
- buy certain teaching equipment, books and information technology, finance certain activities; - recruiting British Section teachers, librarians and administrative staff;
- agreeing, in discussion with the Director and the Senior Leadership Team, the Section's main strategic goals;
- representing the interests of its members with local municipalities and the French administration in the schools where the British Section is present;
- organising extra-curricular activities which serve the general interests of British Section pupils on all sites, and
- facilitating contact between parent members.
The role of the BSPA is strictly defined by its Statutes and Reglement Interieur (see below).
BSPA statutes
Meet the Governors
Parents, click here to find out more about our elected governors.
Governing Board Meetings
In addition to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) convened each year during the first term of the school year, the Governing Board meetings take place once a term. Parents, click here for the minutes of the meetings and latest AGM notices.