Register for our Alumni community here
Click on the video below for a message from James Cathcart and a trip down memory lane.
"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."
T. S. Eliot.
Each year, around 75 British Section students graduate from the Lycée International and become alumni. Whatever their destination, friendships will endure well beyond school; often for life. We hope to facilitate the durability of these friendships and to enable new networks to flourish through the growth and development of our alumni community. For example, our alumni newsletter will keep former students in touch with news about the British Section, other former students, and opportunities to give back. In addition, our LinkedIn Schools page helps former students contact fellow British Section graduates for advice or support whether it be in a particular country, industry or company.
To join our alumni community and receive the newsletter, click on the above link and complete our online registration form. In time, we hope to develop more opportunities for alumni: social gatherings, support networks, interest groups etc.; opportunities not only for former students to connect with and meet other alumni, but also for us to catch up on their activities after the British Section and to inspire and help our current students.

The Association des Anciens du Lycée International has also developed a website offering former students the opportunity to catch up with news of friends and classmates from all fourteen of the sections, not just those who were in the British Section. For more information, see