Extra-curricular sport in the British Section is co-ordinated by the Parent Teacher Group (PTG), and run by a dedicated team of volunteer parents. Sporting activities include:
The most popular of the sports offered by the PTG, football is played at all levels with multiple teams from primary, collège and lycée practising every week with volunteer parent coaches and playing matches against other international section teams including an inter-section girls' team. The teams are open to British Section students at all of our host schools and the volunteer parent coaches emphasise sportsmanship and healthy competition at each level. At the end of the year the teams take part in an international cup final tournament:
- Tournoi des Futures Etoiles for the primary teams, and
- Tournoi des Etoiles for the collège and lycée teams.
Run by the Club International and adjudicated by local professional referees, it is a highlight of the Lycée International calendar and a fun-packed afternoon with an emphasis on fairplay. For more information see the football page of the Club International website.


For information on our sport and extra-curricular activities, please contact the Parent Teacher Group.
In addition, sports associations are active in each of host middle and senior schools and run by the school's sports teachers. They allow pupils to practise sports activities on a Wednesday afternoon (collège) or after school (collège and lycée) with fellow pupils, and compete for their school. See the websites of our host schools for more information.