
The British Section offers an exciting and engaging early years (maternelle) curriculum taught by teachers qualified in the UK and supported by classroom assistants in dedicated British Section classrooms on our two sites. We believe that education is a partnership between school and home, and we recognise and encourage the role that parents play in their children's learning and development.
Traditional values of kindness and respect are an important part of the "hidden curriculum" at the maternelle level. Children are encouraged to be polite, courteous and caring members of their class and school community, and to play well with children from other classes in our host schools during playtimes.
The maternelle curriculum is designed to encourage a progressive development of English language skills. The children are given opportunities for investigative practical activities alongside structured play and collaborative work. The children are encouraged to listen to each other, to enjoy listening to stories, and to find out information from pictures in story books.
During the maternelle years, the main focus is on developing the children's speaking and listening skills, their vocabulary and syntax. In Petite Section (Nursery) and Moyenne Section (Nursery/ Reception), the first phase of phonics concentrates on laying the foundations for the phonic work that is continued into Grande Section (Reception/Year 1) with the early stages of reading and emergent writing. These skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing are further developed in CP (Year 1/Year 2) when the children are also learning to read and write in French.
Parents, for more information click here.