Our 5ème pupils recently enjoyed a three-day residential trip to find out more about life in the Middle Ages.
In April this year, we took our 5ème pupils from all three sites - Collège Les Hauts Grillets, Collège Pierre et Marie Curie and Collège International - on a three-day residential trip to Guédelon Castle in Burgundy to find out more about life in the Middle Ages. The pupils, who have been studying Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in English and the Medieval world in History-Geography, were transported back in time to literally live and breathe history as they toured a medieval castle in construction and participated in a variety of workshops including stone carving. The trip finished off with an evening of medieval entertainment with local jongleurs and a morning of orienteering which helped to consolidate the many new friendships forged during the trip. Here are some of their comments:
“We learnt about what people did, where they lived, and how they worked in the Middle Ages. We learnt about Medieval castles and how daily facilities looked like back then. We also learnt how to orienteer.”
“I enjoyed that we could learn our normal lessons outside the place we are usually studying.”
“I really enjoyed the atmosphere. In the bus, in the bedrooms, during the activities, we met lots of people that we will be happy to see again at the Lycée.”
When asked about what they would change about the trip, a student said, “I would make it longer!”