

Thanks to parental support and involvement, the British Section Parents’ Association (BSPA) is very fortunate in being able to offer a wide variety of opportunities to our pupils beyond the very special education they receive from the teaching staff: football, netball, Irish Dancing, the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award scheme, to name but a few.
In addition, a vibrant community has grown up around the British Section over the years and this can be seen in the various events that are organised each year: the British Section Sports Day and Welcome BBQ, New Year lunches in our host schools, Quiz Night, the Summer Cocktail, etc. Some of these events are linked to fundraising initiatives that enable us to provide further opportunities for pupils including, for example, the visiting authors programme.
These enriching activities and events provide many opportunities for parents to volunteer and all British Section parents are expected to help, be it in:
- organising and running events,
- helping out with sporting and Duke of Edinburgh activities, or
- becoming a member of the PTG (Parent Teacher Group) or Governing Board.
All ideal opportunities for new parents to meet others and become involved in the life of the Section, ensuring the British Section remains a welcoming, supportive and dynamic community.
Parents, to get involved please click here.