
The British Section magazine Insites is printed once a year (end November) and sent by post to all British Section families with a review of the previous school year and a souvenir of their children's achievements.
If you would like to advertise your business and/or services in Insites magazine, please see our Advertising Acceptance Policy below. For the sizes of advertisement available, advertising rates and to register your interest, please fill in the Advert Request Form. If your request is approved, you will be contacted by the British Section office and asked to provide a high resolution image in .png or .jpeg format. Unless you have requested the back cover, the placement of your advertising will be decided by the Editor. All advertising content should be provided by 30 September. For further information, please email:
To advertise on Classlist, the parent-to-parent messaging tool used by British Section families, please contact the Parent Teacher Group:
Acceptance of Advertising Policy
- The British Section may promote appropriate and relevant educational opportunities as well as other services that may be of interest or help to British Section families through its print publications (Insites, British Section newsletter etc.) or on its website
- Acceptable Advertisers – As the British Section’s principal object relates directly to the education of children, the British Section considers that, for ethical reasons, it should not promote organisations/companies in certain categories. Accordingly, the British Section will not accept to publish advertisements:
- from any entity whose activities relate directly to tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, alcohol, fast-food, recreational drugs, arms, gambling, pornography / sex industry;
- from political parties or politicians in their capacity as such;
- from any entity engaged in any illegal activity;
- where the entity is otherwise tainted by illegality, serious allegations of criminality and/or socially unacceptable behaviour (judged against the British Section’s view of socially accepted standards);
- other entities or fields of activities which may be considered to cause embarrassment or likely to damage the reputation of the British Section and/or are included on a blacklist which may be maintained by the Board and revised periodically in the Board’s discretion.
- Discretion to refuse – The British Section will always be entitled to decide, in its entire discretion, to refuse to print any advertisement.
- Revision and interpretation of Policy – The British Section may at any time revise this Policy and will publish the revised version in an appropriate manner normally by posting it on the website. The British Section will also have the right to interpret the terms of this Policy in the event of any question arising.
Approved by Governing Board November 2021
Insites Advertising Rates
Format | Price/issue euros | Dimensions mm |
Back cover - full page | 1500 | 225 x 325 |
Full page | 1000 | 225 x 325 |
Back cover - half page | 750 | 125 x 200 |
Half page | 500 | 125 x 200 |
Quarter page | 250 | 90 x 120 |
Business card | 100 | 85 x 55 |
Half column | 200 | 65 x 140 |
Third column | 150 | 65 x 90 |
Quarter column | 100 | 65 x 75 |